Safety Plans

I had completely forgotten about a psychiatrist appointment I had today. I went there and low and behold of course she isn’t exactly satisfied with my current dosage. She’s concerned that with all the stomach issues I’m having, since it’s been making me so nauseous and puke all the time that it’s effecting my lamotrigine levels. She doesn’t want to change it though because of the same reason. Which is fine by me, I personally don’t want my medications upped.

Due to the recent suicidal issue I had a Saturday or two ago she also made me develop a new safety plan. Ironically it had the opposite effect. After being asked all those questions about my triggers all I wanted to do was go home and cut. And so I did. Pathetic perhaps, but it felt good. Stopping is such a bitch.

I see my regular counselor on Thursday which hopefully will help.


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